
We can simply consider the Champicomposteur of Claude Pasquer, as a new way to combine aesthetics to utilize and to store and recycle organic waste. It is to regard the deeply artistic philosophical and artistic dimension of the landscape, which for many years, adorns the private gardens and public places of its imagination: prolific in working the fence into birds, flowers, insects, people, houses…



If the artistic process in creating this “container” mushroom-shaped is IMMUNE to anyone; and they ask the question what can be philosophical about the “Champicomposteur”? Well… everything! Because it requires and understanding of life, its biological process and reaction knows its needs and alterations, it also surprises and goes against scientific ideologies, daring to believe beyond the established scientific “maxim” “that nothing is lost, nothing is created, and everything is transformed”, on the contrary, with Champicomposteur, if nothing is lost, everything is transformed, and something new is created…



The Champicomposteur is the result of a life devoted to observation and careful study of plants, not only in their lives but also in their “death”. It is a true “transition” in a spiritual sense, since the immediate reality of these plants in decomposition is the emergence of a new substance, called “humus”, which is redistributed in the same life cycle of other plants, and therefore vital link to their growth and their development.



The art of “rot” because it is an art, can be developed by the individual that has the knowledge necessary to mix nitrogen, moisture, heat, and air in order to enable this “carving” utility to give the best of it itself for the greater good of our gardens and our Spiritualism! The idea of fungus is doubly interesting with this point of view and because of its shape. It contains in itself a substance, and its both opposite, death and life, and it molds the new flavor…



Making a parallel with own lives, and it seems very obvious in this context that philosophy occurs. Indeed moments that are the most terrible in our lives where everything seems to gang up against us, and sometimes these things are all negative. Which might be the predestination of oblivion, and destruction, and even hatred… All that we smother and bury in us, all these place of positive fermentation, and food for the future…



The Champicomposteur is the machine to transform our demons into fertile thoughts, to accept all our trials and troubles, because we have the means to store them in a place where they may give birth to something new that did not exist before, and that with our engineering and our knowledge we can transform it into wellness…



It is the faculty to believe that anything that can rot and decay can be revived.



Anne-Maitena Liauzu

16th of October 2010


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