International Festival of Gardens at Chaumont-sur-Loire

Sculptillonnage's Garden at Chaumont-sur-Loire

Jardin des Sculptillonnages - Parcelle N°2
Jardin des Sculptillonnages - Parcelle N°2

Design: Corinne Detroyat landscaper ENSP

Claude Pasquer landscape architect DPLG - Sculptor

Combine artistic creation and sustainable development , magnify gesture Gardener in biodiversity , is the dual challenge of this garden.

The principle is simple: Sculptillonnage , referring to the floating gardens , is a plant or animal sculpture that tells the gardener biodiversity areas , the limits of its mowing , circulations , while drawing an artistic and wave form . In addition to its appearance , it has a shelter for animals intended for food, drink and give your life easier in the garden of all its auxiliaries.

It is made in a simple, rustic material, Chicken wire , diverted from its first use, raising chickens .

Main actors of this garden, the play Champicomposteurs the process of decomposition of organic matter to be born again life. They give the young and old , single and a smiling picture of composting , not as a constraint, a cost in time, energy .

Filling their part of the work and varies: Great are filled with clippings , waste collected and cut in alternating layers to meet the best value for Carbon / Nitrogen and enhance the aesthetics of textures and colors, another is opaque and uses anaerobic bacteria , the smallest is only filled with RFW ( ramual fragmented wood ) .



Other artistic innovations for the benefit of animals: Papiliolilium (trough butterfly), the Soliculusinsectus (sunflower shelter solitary bees), garlic flower, flower mesh (tank bird food), ladybugs and aphid.

  The garden offers various readings: His playfulness is specifically directed to children: A game of discovery 20 ladybugs and aphid.

  Water is present in the garden with a collection of old watering cans which recalls the importance of the human hand in the garden.

Etienne Degove - Corinne Détroyat - Claude Pasquer - Anne Maitena Liauzu - Marie Emmanuelle - Etienne
Etienne Degove - Corinne Détroyat - Claude Pasquer - Anne Maitena Liauzu - Marie Emmanuelle - Etienne

New Champicomposteur : The Mixer Champicomposteur

Communiqué de presse Champicomposteur Ma
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