Domaine de la Molière

The second experience Champicomposteur was held at Domaine de la Molière in the Luberon. Détroyat Corinne and I have decided to make a Champicomposteur larger.

This new model is adorned with a specific pattern of ownership:

lavender, fennel, yarrow, amaranth, sage, thyme, thistle, Eryngium, chicory, clematis, oak, olive ...

It measures 2.30 m in height and incorporates a material volume of nearly 3 m3.

The filling took place in three days, including the collection and cutting plant material.

For more information:

Embleme communication campaign of SIRTOM - Apt

The Champicomposteur serves emblem communication campaign on composting and reducing green waste for SIRTOM the town of Apt.

Communiqué de presse Le Grand Champicomp
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